Political Action Committee
As an automobile dealer, you are well aware of the major impact government has on your day-to-day business. If the Automobile Dealers Association of North Dakota is to continue to be successful on Capitol Hill, we need your support. CARPAC receives and disburses funds to select candidates running specifically for North Dakota legislative and state offices.
It is critical to your business operations that we help support candidates who understand your needs as an automobile dealer.
This is extremely important as we fight to keep the interests of equipment dealers in the minds of state lawmakers. Interests such as: 1) Manufacturer relations & prohibited acts 2) Corporate income tax rates 3) Worker’s compensation issues.
Contributing dealers control the distribution of CARPAC funds. During the election cycle, each contributing dealer will have the opportunity to select the specific candidate(s) of their choice. It is important to note that contribution checks are sent to the dealer for presentation to the candidate. Not only do dealers get to show their support individually, but the entire industry gains recognition by candidates statewide.
Please help CARPAC elect candidates who understand your business by sending a contribution in today!

National Automobile Dealers Association Political Action Committee (NADA PAC)
NADA PAC is NADA's political action committee and represents the interests of all franchised dealers of new cars and trucks by supporting pro-dealer congressional candidates of both political parties. Only individuals from NADA member dealerships are eligible to contribute to NADA PAC.